mAccounts Mobile Accounting 2.3
mAccounts is the first stand-alone, mobile financial accountingapplication for Android™ with 2-way compatibility with Tally™ toexport & import both Masters as well as Transactions to &from Tally™. It is a complete mobile financial accounting /double-entry book-keeping application that allows creating /editing / deleting Ledgers & Transactions, viewing BalanceSheet, Profit & Loss Account, Trial Balance, Stock Statements,Receivables & Payables, Tax Summary, & other FinancialAccounting Reports on the go even without any internet connection.Now with exhaustive INVENTORY MANAGEMENT with Tally™compatibility***** 30-day Free Trial allows you to TRY ALL FEATURES FOR FREE.Purchase Option (one-time payment) available within this free app*****Not supported on Android 5.0 LollipopUNMATCHED FEATURES - A feature-rich, stand-alone mobilefinancial accounting app unlike any other that is also Compatiblewith Tally™, provides Report-to-Ledger-to-Transaction Trace,Interest Calculation Report, Mobile Printing, & many morefeaturesIMPECCABLE INTERFACE - The best interface & the mostuser-friendly mobile financial accounting app adorned with smartgesture-based controlsUNLIMITED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING - Mobile financial accounting withunlimited companies, unlimited financial accounting years,unlimited account groups, unlimited account ledgers, unlimitedproduct groups, unlimited products and even unlimitedtransactionsFULL FEATURE OFFERING - A fully-loaded WYSIWYG mobile financialaccounting app that provides all features even without purchaseAlso includes INTEREST CALCULATION feature. In Ledger Statement,select the Ledger & set Interest Calculation as Yes. Enter theInterest Rate & select Transactions on which interest is to becalculated.Just like other Reports & Transaction Lists, export thisInterest Calculation Report in CSV & PDF formats, and alsoprint it directly through Google Cloud Print.FEATURESFull-play, Offline-Mobile Accounting• Access complete financial accounting books with full control tonot just view, but also to create, edit & delete Masters aswell as Transactions• Manage Accounts on-the-go without any internet connectionStand-alone Application, Tally™ Compatible• Maintain complete financial accounting books without dependencyon any other software• Sync financial accounting books with Tally™ by importing existingTally™ Masters & Transactions into mAccounts, and exportingMasters & Transactions from mAccounts to Tally™Comprehensive Financial Reporting• View complete financial accounting DayBook, Ledger Statements,Trial Balance, Opening Trial Balance, Group Trial Balance, BalanceSheet, Profit & Loss Account, Interest Calculation, StockStatements, Receivables & Payables, Tax Summary reports• Drill right down to the Transaction level from any ReportEfficient Accounts & Transactions Management• Maintain multiple Companies, multiple Financial Years, multipleAccount Groups with multiple Ledgers, multiple Product Groups withmultiple Products grouped under them• Manage Purchase, Sale, Bank & Cash Payments and Receipts,Contra, Journal Voucher & DayBook Transactions effortlesslyData Backup & CSV / PDF Export• Backup complete data on SDCard and also Restore it in mAccountsfrom SDCard• Export Reports and Transactions in CSV and PDF formatsEmail & Wireless Cloud Printing• Directly Email the Reports and Transactions exported in CSV &PDF formats• Print Reports & Transaction Lists wirelessly over the GoogleCloud Print configured printerQuick Setup, Intuitive Operations• Get started quickly by harnessing the compatibility withTally™• Create Accounts directly while entering Transactions without anyinitial account setup requirements• Operate purely on the basis of business knowledge with littlefinancial accounting proficiency required